The Integrated Marine Observing Network (IMON) provides centralised coordination for UK marine observing activity. It works in partnership with funders, agencies and practitioners across all marine sectors, to help meet UK marine science objectives and commitments, nationally and internationally.

  • Objectives

    The objective of the IMON is to ensure that UK sustained ocean observing, including physical, chemical and biological components, successfully meets policy, societal, scientific and operational requirements. This is achieved by regular assessment, evaluation and communication of ongoing UK sustained ocean observing activities, managed alongside a programme of community engagement to promote sharing of information and to identify future needs, opportunities and risks.

  • Guidance and advice

    IMON is a Partnership Initiative of the Marine Science Co-ordination Committee (MSCC) and provides expert advice and guidance on ocean observing activities to MSCC and other bodies to help meet the UK marine science strategies as well as UK contributions and commitments to international ocean observing activity, such as The Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) and G7 UK Marine Science Coordination ocean initiatives.

Collaboration and integration

IMON promotes collaboration and integration across UK sustained ocean observing activities to ensure:

  • Sustainability

    a sustainable, cost-effective and fit-for-purpose network

  • Best practice

    developing, adopting and using best practices

  • Accessibility

    open access to observational data, methods and metadata